...since I've posted anything. This has been a BUSY month for us. With visitors at the house for 3 weeks and family get-togethers, its been hard to find time to sit down at the computer long enough to do anything. Here's what's been going on (not really much).
Aaryn is now rolling over both ways all the time. Not only that, but she's scooting too...backwards. Where did my little baby go? I'm not ready for her to be so mobile yet. At the rate she's going, she'll be crawling soon. She's able to get up on her knees, but doesn't know what to do after that to get moving. I love watching her play on her mat and in her play pen.
Both girls have had colds this week. Cadence has been coughing with chest congestion and a runny nose. Aaryn has been a little congested, coughing and sneezing. It really bothers them when they're trying to sleep, so I've been up in the middle of the night with one at least one of them every night. They've both been taking medicine for a few days and seem to be getting better now, so we'll all be able to rest better now.
Well, that's all for now. Aaryn is crying for me, so I better go get her. Until next time...
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4 years ago
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