Wednesday, November 11, 2009

6 Months and 1 Day ago...

I gave birth to my sweet baby girl, Aaryn! The time is passing by much too quickly. My baby is growing up before my eyes. I googled development milestones for 6-month olds and found this list:

Begins to speak single (hard) consonants, like "dada" (sorry mom!). NOT YET
Rolls over both ways (front to back and back to front). YEP!
The baby will begin to look for a toy dropped out of sight. YEP!
Has no head lag when pulled to a sitting position. YEP!
Begins to "tripod" (sits with one hand on the ground for support) and soon will begin to sit without support. YEP! (can sit for a short period without support)
Continues to grasp and mouth objects, but now can transfer small objects from one hand to another. YEP!
Six-month-old babies begin to rake at small objects but cannot pick them up yet because their finger coordination is not yet precise enough. I don't know. Too scared to give her small objects
Shows displeasure with loss of a toy. YEP!
Is able to recognize each parent and may even begin to show some stranger anxiety. YEP! (she prefers Mommy)
Makes attempts to feed himself or herself. YEP!
Smiles, laughs, squeals and begins to imitate sounds. YEP!
Can be content in a playpen for a while playing with one or two toys. YEP!
Can bear weight on his or her legs when held in a standing position (no, it will not make him or her bowlegged). YEP!

She's even scooting and turning to navigate towards objects. I predict she'll be crawling pretty soon.

As far as her growth rate, she has more than doubled her birthweight and she's grown at least 5 inches since birth.

I'm glad that she's reaching all of these milestones, but sad too. My little baby isn't so little anymore (sigh). They grow up waaaaay too fast.

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